Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Email 2/2/10


I wanted to send a quick update on my visit to the doctor yesterday. The genetic counselor was sick so we had to postpone for a few weeks. Additionally, my white blood cell count was too low to receive the full amount of chemo meds I was supposed to receive yesterday. Therefore, I only got 1/2 the amount of meds I was slated to receive. My body is at risk of infection so I am to stay away from all crowds and sick folks. The steroids I receive with the chemo kept me up all night (until about 5am this time). I am feeling poorly but (as of yet) not as bad as last week.Praise God! I head back to chemo on February 15 to start my 2nd cycle of chemo (I have 4 cycles). That's when I'll have the carboplatin again (if Jesus hasn't returned!). I'm also praying that during next two weeks my body can make significant progress in healing from all the surgeries. My upper right leg still hurts when I move it (nerves had to be moved to get a lymph node and that can take several months to heal), my port still hurts, and my abdomen is still sore (on the 15th the doctor will check to see how everything is healing).

Also, Ashlee and Ally made a blog for me. As of yet I've only added the things I've typed in emails. As my stamina increases I'll hope to occasionally add to the blog. You can check it out at kathyharrelson.blogspot.com if you'd like.

Thanks for the prayers.



  1. Kathy, I'm so thankful for this blog to follow to know how to pray for you. I pray that today, you would be showered with peace and feel the love of your Creator.

  2. Kath, I was thinking this morning that it might be fun for you to have a blog. What timing. Love you

  3. Oh, I am so glad you have a blog. I have not found out anything more than you were very sick and recently diagnosed with cancer. Even though I have not know specifics, I have been praying for you ever so fervently! Our Great Jehovah Rophe is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think! I wrote down your prayer requests in my prayer journal so that I can pray more specifically for you! With Love - your friend Meghan

  4. Kathy,
    I have a feeling you are about to become the owner of the worlds largest collection of hats and hairbands knowing the CCBC crowd that will probably be reading this blog and knowing how much you are loved!
    Lara Lleverino

  5. Kathy,
    I am a friend of your mothers, I worked with her at Union. In fact, my classroom is her former classroom. She has been such a wonderful friend to me. I, like many of the Union teachers, are praying for your healing and strength in this battle. -Jennifer Slusher
