Thursday, May 27, 2010

Update 5.27


I noticed that it's been almost a month since I've emailed so I wanted to send a quick update.

There have been no major treatments, tests, or scans within the past month. Yipee! My next appointment is late in June. Needless to say, I am not missing having to make frequent trips to the doctor's office. :) Overall I am seeing gradual improvement for which I am really thankful. While there is part of me that gets frustrated that I can't do everything I'd like, there is a huge part of my that remembers where I was and am grateful for all the improvement so far.

One specific prayer request is for my hands and feet. A couple weeks ago I noticed my hands falling asleep a couple times a day. I ignored it for while until it became more frequent so I called the doctor. The nurse reminded me to look back at the chemo side effect sheet and sure enough numbness/tingling in fingers and toes was there. Today my right hand was tingling probably 50% of the day and it was the first day the tingling/numbness kept me from doing some things I wanted to do. According to the nurse the numbness/tingling will pass (as will all the chemo side effects) within 6-12 months of the end of chemo but I'd love prayers that it'd pass sooner than that.

Thanks again for all the prayers and encouragement. You'll are the best!


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