Thursday, March 25, 2010

Update 3.25


Just sending a quick update. I had full chemo on March 8 but had to skip it again on March 15 because my counts were too low again. This week has been the scheduled non-chemo week. It's been nice to get out a time or two a day, though I admit I think I have pushed it a little too far and my body is letting me know it. I haven't left the house today to let my body recover a little.

I saw the genetic specialist on Monday. Unfortunately there is enough cancer on both sides of my family that there is a 10-20% chance there was a genetic cause to my ovarian cancer and a 10-20% chance there was a genetic cause to my uterine cancer. That means I have to get genetic tests for both. I had the blood taken Monday and will hear back in probably 3-4 weeks. A positive result on either would mean further testing for my family to see if they have the gene as well as bad news for me: such as an incredibly high, like 85% chance, of cancer for me again in my life time. We'd have to discuss significant preventative matters. Therefore, I'd really appreciate the prayers that both genetic tests (and any additional ones I may take after these come back) would be negative!!

This Monday, March 28, starts the 4th cycle of chemo. I'll have chemo the 28th and April 5th and then (hopefully!) be done with chemo.

As always, thanks SO much for the prayers. And may I say a special thanks to Annalise Dansby. She is two and a half years old and prays for me every night. Not only that but every time I see her she (unprompted by her parents) asks me how my body is feeling or tells me that she's praying for my body to feel better. I know she's not the only child praying for me so please (even though some of them can't read yet) let them know how much I appreciate it.


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